Creating a work-place happy-place: Misty's Newsletter

Dear Reader,

I'm so happy to see you! Thank you for inviting me into your inbox and for opening this newsletter. I know your time is precious and I'm very honoured to spend it with you.

Many teachers I work with are busy setting up classroom spaces this month. Even if you work in a museum, forest, or gallery, or at home, you are likely wondering how you want to welcome and engage learners.

πŸ€” But, Reader, when was the last time you asked yourself what YOU need to welcome yourself to this space each day?

For visionary and responsive educators, having a personal work space is essential to rejuvenate and be creative. We need to have control over this space, even if it's a carved out corner within a shared space.


Because this place serves as our refuge when everything feels chaotic and overwhelming.

I'm sharing a happy-place guide in the Offer section below. May this help you, as it does me, to create the space you need and deserve as you serve others.

Y stands for Youth:

This section features a person, project, organization, that inspires youth to thrive.

O stands for Offering:

Here’s where I share free resources, practical tips or prompts.

U stands for Uplifting:

We’ll wrap up with an uplifting quote or song to leave you feeling great-- after all, it’s good to feel good!


Youth inspire Lu Gerlach:

Meet Lu Gerlach, Founder of Think Chat Consultancy

For nearly two decades, Lu's been working as an educator within the United States, Germany, and the United Arab Emirates. During her time abroad, she discovered the International Baccalaureate's curriculum framework. Being an IB teacher and coordinator greatly shaped her views about learning and teaching. As we pivot towards a new educational realities, Lu points to ways we can infuse more thinking, chatting, and creating into our curriculum.

πŸ‘‰ Listen to Lu make connections to The 4As, Pop-Up Studio's Guiding Principles


"These principles stood out to me... isn't coming up with new and innovative ideas part of inquiry? Misty has come up with a practical way to help you do this." Take up Lu's challenge to ideate in your "new" workspace.


Offering that ignites: A minimalist's guide to creating your Happy-Place

πŸ‘‰This booklet offers key strategies I've picked up over decades of working in classrooms and shared spaces as a highly sensitive person who needs order to thrive in chaos! If you love a messy space, this is not for you- but I do want to learn YOUR tips!

1. Concept: Have your desk welcome you at the start of your workday.

2. Materials: Something green, basket with lid, planner, task light, pens/pencils in container: choose only the items you love (they can be FREE and inexpensive).

3. Experience: Create order, beauty, and nourishment before you leave work.

πŸ“· I want to hear from you Reader:

Snap and BEFORE and AFTER photo! Please hit reply or share on social: I'll reply and cheer you on! Don't forget to tag @popupstudioed on Insta or @PatersonMisty on Twitter to alert me. I won't want to miss your post!




Uplifting quote + song that illuminates:

Read and listen to this quote and song to invite reflection ⭐️

"Every great design begins with an even better story." Lorinda Mamo, Designer

Listen to the Song:

Love Yourself by Sufjan Stevens

Favourite lyrics:

Love, can you love yourself
Show me everything
Every reason to believe in yourself
Make a shelf
Put all the things on
That you believe in


Here's to welcoming yourself Reader!

Hi! I'm Misty.

If you're an educator who loves inquiry, play, and concept-based approaches to education, we'd have so much to talk about! Sign up below for free resources, exclusive content (that I don't share anywhere else), be the first-to-know about events, and network with thought leaders. Enter your email address and check your inbox to confirm your subscription. Can't wait to get inspired together!

Read more from Hi! I'm Misty.
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Dear Reader, Thank you for inviting me into your inbox to spark a dialogue about inquiry teaching and learning towards agency, artistry, and understanding.:) If you are new here: Welcome! As you may know, I recently returned home from 18 days in Europe. It was a transformative time for me. This newsletter's content begins the sequence of share-outs from the amazing educators I met while away. πŸ‘‰ This month I'm sharing an idea from my study week in Reggio Emilia. I think it's simply brilliant...

Dear Reader, Thank you for inviting me into your inbox to spark a dialogue about inquiry teaching and learning towards agency, artistry, and understanding.:) If you are new here: Welcome! This month, I'm sharing a recorded conversation with Assessment expert, Katie White. Katie shares the what, why, and how of key formative assessment practices that really move learning forward. I've distilled a list of Five Things to Say or Ask for you as a practical tool to try. Consider printing them out...

Dear Reader, Thank you for inviting me into your inbox :) If you are new here: Welcome! Based on two decades and degrees, my platform, and book, Pop-Up Studio, supports teachers and students to meaning-make and feel empowered in doing so. The goal of my newsletters is: πŸ₯… to spark a dialogue about inquiry teaching and learning towards agency, artistry, and understanding. This month, I'm (re)offering a practice to move beyond surface topics and stresses of "covering" written curriculum towards...